Creating a life…

Shashi K
2 min readSep 20, 2020
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Often have we heard…live the moment. It’s what counts. Yet, we know that snapping the chord with the past isn’t always that simple. Time is a continuum. The present rests on the foundation of past. Our past experiences, in many ways, define who we are today. They shape our beliefs and attitudes.

We, inadvertently, find ourselves digging into the treasure trove of our memories and experiences, both good and bad, as we navigate through the perilous present towards an uncertain future.

So far, so good!

The problem starts when we become captives to our past. We create our own cages (limiting beliefs and attitudes) that trigger our underlying fears and paralyze us into inaction …

· Can I really do it?

· What if I fail?

· What will people think?

· What if I give up this and end up somewhere even worse?

· Can I really do this to my loved ones?

The barrage of many such frightening questions compel us to retreat to the safety of our own comfort zone. Trapped in these deeply entrenched and invisible cages, we choose the familiar over the new. And this happens not once, not twice, but over and over again! These decisions alter one’s life course, creating an impact more profound and long lasting than any physical cage.

The outcome — anxiety, restlessness and a sense of vacuum despite having it all!

What we forget is that unlike the physical ones, here we are the creators of these cages. And we can break these when we want. All we need is to decide!

Want to plan your own prison break? Just reprogram your mind and set yourself free!

Change your questions…

· What do I really stand for?



Shashi K

Quiet moments of reflection, my writing is an exploration into the journey of the soul, its evolution and the interplay of human emotions.